Wednesday, December 1, 2010

vocabulary words 203 - 237

  1. Status bar -similar to a status line, is an information area typically found at the bottom of windows in a graphical user interface

  1. Style - various terms that refer to the style of different things

  1. subscript - appear at or below the baseline, while superscripts are above .

  1. Sum -the whole amount

  1. superscript -superscript is a number, figure, symbol, or indicator that appears smaller than the normal line of type and is set slightly below or above it

  1. Synonyms -two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context

  1. Syntax -the syntax of a programming language is the set of rules that define the combinations of symbols that are considered to be correctly structured programs in that language

  1. tab stop -Tab stops are set manually, and pressing the tab key causes the carriage to go to the next tab stop

  1. Table -a set of data arranged in rows and columns

  1. Tabs -a tab is a navigational widget for switching between sets of documents

  1. Taskbar - a taskbar is a bar displayed on a full edge of a GUI desktop that is used to launch and monitor running applications

  1. Templates -a model or standard for making comparisons

  1. Text -the words of something written

  1. Text box controls -Represents a control that can be used to display or edit unformatted text

  1. Theme -A theme is the broad idea, moral, or message, of an essay, paragraph, movie, or a book

  1. thesaurus -a book containing a classified list of synonyms

  1. Title bar -a horizontal label at the top of a window, bearing the name of the currently active document

  1. Toggle -a switch that can assume either of two positions

  1. Track Changes -The feature in Word with which you can monitor who adds and deletes what from a document

  1. Transitions -a change from one place or state or subject or stage to another

  1. Trendline -Alternative spelling of trend line

  1. Undo -cancel, annul, or reverse an action or its effect

  1. Vertical (value) axis -Microsoft Office Excel determines the minimum and maximum scale values of the vertical (value) axis when you create a chart.

  1. Views -A view is what can be seen in a range of vision

  1. Wildcard -an advanced search strategy used to broaden-or make more inclusive-a given search

  1. Windows-based applications -Having resizable windows. Same as "graphics based" or "GUI based." Graphical user interfaces are all windows based.

  1. Word-wrap -In text display, line wrap is the feature of continuing on a new line when a line is full, such that each line fits in the viewable window, allowing text to be read from top to bottom without any horizontal scrolling

  1. WordArt -WordArt is a text-styling feature that is available in the Microsoft Office suite of products. It allows users to create stylized text with various

  1. Work area -That portion of the project area in which construction activity is ongoing

  1. Workbook -A window or task management technique that consists of a set of views that are organized like a tabbed notebook.

  1. works cited -A page at the end of a research composition that lists all the resources that you used.

  1. Worksheet -a piece of paper recording work planned or done on a project

  1. X-Y scatter chart -X-Y plots, or scatter plots, can be used to see if one event affects another event

  1. Zoom-examine closely

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